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What is Rewilding and Why is it important? - Raju Rajan

Episode Summary

What is Rewilding and why is it important? ReWild Long Island Rewilding is a form of environmental conservation and ecological restoration that has significant potential to increase biodiversity, create self-sustainable environments and mitigate climate change. The term rewilding first appeared in the conservation world in the 1980s with a continental-scale vision to protect large tracts of wilderness and connect these areas with migration corridors. Beautiful and healthy green spaces bring out the best in us. These green spaces -- backyards, side- and front-lawns, tree-lined streets, parks, golf-courses, and fields -- are central to our identity as urban or suburban communities in America. However, not all green spaces are created equal. Much of the “green” that our communities adopt are non-native mono-cultures that require a high level of chemical and labor inputs to maintain, with negative impact on biodiversity, air and water quality and environmental health. Our private and public spaces are largely represented by Conventional, High-Input, Exotic, Mono-cultural (CHEM) Landscapes. The cultural normalization of yard care including sterile short cut grass is the reason we continue to embrace CHEM landscapes. When introduced to an alternative that includes attracting hummingbirds and butterflies, it’s not difficult to convince the home owner that native plant gardening is more desirable. At Rewild Long Island were part of a movement invested in making it normal to support life in your green spaces. Raju Rajan is a technologist with a strong communitarian ethic. He came to the United States from India to obtain his PhD in Communication Networks at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He has enjoyed a long career as researcher, consultant and technologist. His strong entrepreneurial ethic has led him to found two IT start-ups, as well as a number of community groups aimed at organizing people for systemic change. He is currently active with Long Island Together, a progressive collective that organizes around education, immigration and social change, as well as ReWild Long Island, which brings native plants to public spaces and private yards. There Raju serves as the President of the Board. Raju resides in Port Washington, NY, with wife Sonia Arora who is an educator/community organizer, son Kabeera Singh, a Schreiber High School student, and cat, Lucky, who does nothing.

Episode Notes


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