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Meet The Author Soulful Work 2.0 - Jo-Ann Triner

Episode Summary

Jo-Ann Triner is a force to be reckoned with, though in the most healing and meaningful way imaginable. Triner (who has a doctorate in Educational Administration) has over three decades of experience in the area of advanced and high-level leadership. And now, well into her second career, Triner has successfully parlayed her expertise into her debut book Soulful Work 2.0: Powered by Inner-Person Potential. The author emphasizes the value of honoring your soul’s calling by finding meaningful work that also allow us to become responsible stewards of our world. Soulful Work 2.0 comes as a much-needed insight on the heels of The Great Resignation. In an age where re-invention is as commonplace as breathing, Triner’s book is the place to turn for guidance. Allow this book to be a mantra of reinvigoration for the masses, you who find yourself painfully employed.

Episode Notes

