MinddogTV Your Mind's Best Friend

Meet The Author - Nick Gerrard - Story Teller

Episode Summary

Nick Gerrard is originally from Birmingham but is now living in Olomouc, Czech Republic where he writes, proof-reads and edits, ( as well as his own stuff he does abridged versions of the classics; like Hemingway, Steinbeck and Orwell) and in between looking after his son Joe, he has edited and designed Jotters United Lit-zine over the past few years. Nick has been at one time or another a Chef, activist, union organiser, punk rocker, teacher, traveller and Eco-lodge owner in Malawi and Czech. And drank far too much in far too many seedy bars. Nick likes the short story form and most of his publications are flash or short. (Well, one poem book and a kind of travel book which was stories and essays and rants!) As well as the Novella and two collections of short stories he has a collection of flash on the way. He writes Gritty realism or social realism or as he likes to say 'Working-class kitchen sink drama! ‘ His short stories, flash, poetry and essays have appeared in various magazines and books in print and online including Breaking rules Publishing, Sweetycat Press, Rye whiskey review, Spillwords, Pikers press, The Potato soup Journal, The Platform, Ramingoblog, literati-magazine, Minor Literature, Short Story town and Bluehour magazine. Nick has five books published available on Amazon and elsewhere. His short novel out last year, Punk Novelette is all about a group of friends growing up with punk in the 70s in the UK and the effect the movement had on their lives. His latest short story collection is Called Struggle and Strife; fifteen short stories covering the political and personal struggles of today, yesterday, and the future. Stories of casual workers, holocaust survivors, refugees, slum dwellers, and trade unionists. Tales of protests and fight-backs against oppression, and the daily battles of ordinary people.

Episode Notes


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