MinddogTV Your Mind's Best Friend

Is Your Small Business Marketing As Efficient As It Could Be?

Episode Summary

Mark Newsome is a small business cash flow generating specialist.He helps small business owners, uncover, previously hidden profit centers. He'll discuss specific strategies to help your small business thrive and survive in these difficult times.

Episode Notes

Website https://www.youcanmarketonlinenow.com 

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Episode Transcription

Is Your Small Business Marketing As Efficient As It Could Be?


00:00:00 - 00:05:05


Is your small business marketing as efficient as it could be. We'll talk about it on this episode of the Mind Dog TV. Fancy yet another episode of the mind. Dog TV podcast. I'm Matt and Apple Banks Coming. It's great to have you here as always little bit of an early edition tonight. My guest tonight is in La and wanted to accommodate the time zone for him in time experience for him, so were on an hour earlier than usual. You may have noticed that I was not on the last two nights my guest. Guest Saturday night was a a late cancellation and then last night. Jeff Twitch Burns was supposed to be on the victim of a wildfire in his area, which was an evacuation of his house last minute, so we did not carry the program where a late last night. Jeff will be on next Monday night a week from tonight. and we're GonNa talk about his experience in counter-terrorism and outlaw biker. Clubs and carry that discussion. A little further pluses third edition of his gangster. Patriot book is now out and we'll talk about that in depth. Tonight's program is brought to you by audio books now dot Com. you don't need me to tell you about the convenience of audiobooks I know a Lotta people you know. Reading becomes a lost art, and in his very busy world in which we live. Sometimes it's hard to find a time the a quiet time to sit down and read and really get absorbed into a book so audiobooks Dot Com. You know audio books. They've been around forever. Folks you know about them on the old days Asia. Coming Cassette tapes. Put you walk. Take them with you wherever you go same idea. Except now it's even more convenient because in the old days it would like twenty cassettes to get through a book now. Just one MP3 downloaded on your phone, your IPAD whatever device you take to. Use, portable audio on, and you can take it with you wherever you go doing your job doing your choice driving and listen to it great thing but the difference was audiobooks. Now Dot Com. It's price point you can get audiobooks basically anywhere and you know all the services, and I don't have to name them all but the difference is audiobooks now. Dot. com is far less expensive and is his really good thing. If you click a link in the description after the shown that now you're going to save fifty percent off your first order whether that order is a single book or a monthly Book Club, plan or illegal plan, so it's a great deal. Fifty percent off their already low prices, and even better. You get a seven day free trial, so if you decide, you don't like it. You can just cancel within seven days and you'll be charging. Nothing so it's a great deal. Great deal Mike guest tonight, and and the topic of this evening is all about marketing and I know we usually do business related stuff in the afternoon and entertainment stuff at night we got kind of turned around in a lot of different ways and I'm okay with that As long as we get the information out there I know will have quite a few thousand people. This the first week and we'll be all Aubain Lincoln and so there will be some great information for anybody in any form of business and the subject of tonight's Program is not just marketing, but it's about the money we waste in marketing and leaving a lot of money on the table and streamliming streamlining our marketing costs and doing more efficient marketing, so that it costs us less and everybody could relate to that I think across the board. People get into especially online marketing When we talk about that stuff, people spend and spend and kind of throwing money at it in ways they they may not really understand fully and waste a lot, so we want to cut down on waste, so my guest tonight is an expert on that. He actually goes by the MONIKER OF MR marketing, which is a cool thing if you wanted to go. To a physician say Mr doctor would be. Go. Don't you great So if you wanted to go to work mechanic Mr Mechanic would be a good thing to go to so tonight. WE HAVE MR marketing with US please open ears, open minds, and help me welcome in fabulous. Mark Newsom to the might TV podcast mark welcome to the podcast. Thanks for coming escaped to have you here. Oh Man, it's my pleasure. Thank you for that awesome introduction, and by wait just to clarify something actually on the east coast so I i.



00:05:05 - 00:10:04


don't know where the confusion came in my bad but yeah. I thought you were in La. Boy Am I confused. What starting? One hundred batting, one hundred or not up, not a thousand I guess. Man Yeah it's all get. The information is important, and and that's well. It really matters the time that we do. It really doesn't matter. That's why it's portable on demand. PODCAST is portable on demand so whenever people get a chance to listen to it, I know you have a lot of experience tells a little bit about your story. Your backstory before we get into the specifics, absolutely lazy German actually. Actually, still am very actively involved in niche of real estate financing known paper is just a fancy way of saying debt slang for debt, and as a result of learning how to become much more efficient back. Some of the things you hit on here just so accurate learning how to be more efficient in an industry that time we were horrible at more and promote. And as a result of that a good friend of mine bill pointing out, he said Mark Listen Man. Some of the stuff that you teach it is universal. N applies more to typical small business owners, entrepreneurs, and provides so as a direct result isolated sloan transition into that and became a marketing consultant in you know working small business owners, service providers and the Internet exploded. And now I'm rocket primarily online, so this has been a fabulous transition as something that you talked about. About efficiency is just evergreen stuff that practically any entrepreneur here's. What's Kinda say? Most small business entrepreneurs and service providers. Are Excellent. At working in your business or serves, but not so good and working on right. SAY IT SO in other words, there are burning it for fishing six twelve hours a day, and yet at the end of the day cross it margin isn't the needle. Is it move? What's happening is they're just stretching themselves standard in and thinner have less time for sleep less time Bam less time for everything else and they're burning out because. They're too much of an island in my opinion. They need to start learning hot strategic leverage, so that's why I vote on podcasts. Such yours ninety naps in your hottest has never heard of me. improbably never would have heard of me and I not appeared on. Your Show S Leverage Ladies and gentlemen. That's what you went I want. You don't want to try to write a check for everything because you just don't have much. When not Mark Zuckerberg so he? Chance you do something else. We gotTA sweat equity and we're going to be strategic, so that's why guys like me down. Guys like the host here to be on your show. Well that that's great stuff and it's very interesting that you started. came from a real estate background because a couple of days go ahead. Dave Seymour on who actually last week when Adam on they've seen more people don't know. He's The star of the ANC show flipping Boston and he's he's made A. Career at a flipping houses and made millions and millions of dollars, and now he's in commercial real estate, but what he said, what the one of the marketing tricks that he used and I'd just like to get your opinion on this. Because it sounded so brilliant to me, he had his scouts going around and photographing houses that look like they might be a good target for flipping you know and and doing a short sale on take a picture that house, and then when they sent out the marketing, materials, snail, mail, material or digital marketing, they'd have a picture of back person's house and they would send it directly to them about how. So you get this piece of mail, that's a marketing thing and it's got a picture of your house on it. Saint. Take Action now. While what's going on, so I said wow, what a great great idea for! Any kind of marketing personalize it and have your picture so imagine if. You were working for a doctor's office. Say and you wanted to get me in the office to get a physical a is your health is a picture of me on the on the on the front page of it. That would be highly effective, so I just wanted to get your thoughts on that brilliant. In fact I'll take a step back one saying. Let's gentlemen. I guarantee you if I sent you a postcard or a letter inside an envelope. You didn't know who I was and somehow opened. It and print was really really small. Ninety nine point nine percent of you brought out death correct if I put on that headline, every word on this page is about the great and put, and you'll get a magnifying glass.



00:10:04 - 00:15:03


So quite as personalization works, right. One of the keys and see here's our as small business owners provided on north. Most of don't get that. Try to copy where they see somebody else doing us but I. Call Institutional or what we like to say on the inside, do a arrive type marketing and promoting, and it's a direct result. And we todd money back. Let me just offer something to your audience. This might be very interested. I was on a podcast recently. And I'm going to try to work on. People's own some. Keep your head up, so you'd see. This lady's clients. She was by me a digital. And proud of you know. Might she said well. We don't use direct mailings. We don't use his I said. You know what that's all great, but let me let me remind you something here. Let me remind you audiences. direct mail snail mail. has been around for decades. Billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars. It's proven itself. Now, if you don't know what you're doing, you can lose a lot of money with direct mail, but. It was here before the Internet. It was here before social media. So don't get confused and big just because now Iraqi facebook page click ads that durant males is beneath. I assure you. There is a way to use direct mail to make a ton of money just like I. I don't have a podcast accents. Technically I do because I'm not good at knowing how to do to podcast in yet I. Don't Midget, but here's my point. Even though my podcast is an up like this one I can steal leverage the process of podcasting by being a guess right so what I was trying to point outwards to things back with me to really take this whole. Let me point something out delays jumping if you haven't figured this out. If, your only rocking social media? Mark, Mark Zuckerberg. On the landlord's you and I are two tenants what I mean by that is a chain rules retiring in a bit you, your account may be shut down. You need moment and idea to you during the length of this podcast. Somebody around the world. Just got your count shut. Right. The estate now I'm not social media social media. What I'm telling you is if you're online. You need to get either your own podcast. Or your own self hosted wordpress, blow or e commerce site in other words. You need your own home, right? I so wordpress bowl? Or whatever platform us, but not the free platforms, because again you're the tenant and landlord is. Sleeping on a friend's couch, never know when the girlfriend wife's not say. Hey, it's gone. He's though you oh love Adenauer. Sort of point I'm trying to say and here's a house out just. If you're an offline business, or if you're, you're a whole night business and you're doing local radio TV, right primetime drive drive. Was True to Commute Front. That's what a big money. Right now during the time world this podcast, I'm sorry to. Some local business put out a lot of money. But that advertising. And you and I in the audience in NC. And got charged. Wow, that's wasteful, right? Yes, mark so point being when I'm trying to get you. Understand is like. He said we gotTA become. Me Fish and that's working on here to talk to you about the share US sale to stop, so we can't get off. Let me give you a simple strategy that if you're jozy or off line you blowing. You missing out on a ton of opportunity. Less I'm just GONNA make up for business. Is that okay? We'll go say magazine young a retail store. And I am a local bakery will vote this mini strip mall, seven spaces, fiber occupy, and to our decision, making the significant for years I'm GONNA. Tie this all together West now. Matinee know each other because he comes to the store every Monday digital Bayton any buys two dozen donuts, two large gals. Poppy voiced his morning meat, and we always talk. Hey, how's it going? How's business been with Cohen? Blah Blah Blah so we'll I use and why day that comes in, and he says mark. This is the magic question.



00:15:03 - 00:20:00


He says more. Last question. Is Is it okay finding out periodically for new, business. And I looked on startled. Make sure he's not playing I'm like what? Is it okay. For you this? Of, course made any time. This St. Talk as long as don't take anything you're currently going now. We'll be doing future. Are you okay periodically returning the favor? Of, course we got. I'm not really sure I guess my is around. The headlines Structure a little better and I'm going to be back to giving part so I'm having your email address phone, number or I continue attacks on White Oh, yes. Here's what you need to be doing. Matt is GonNa Start running every month especially in the summer. Of, free, drawing Everybody loves free. But you gotta be strategic when he's saying he's GonNa Start offering. A, once a month of five thousand dollars. Whole Deluxe Home Entertainment Center now. Of course he's in the retail business. It didn't cost you five thousand dollars best to Rideau Rice it probably awesome, two thousand and five thousand Nassar's hard costs, so you can say advertising emotional. Everybody who comes into the store? He's going to send him to his website by would. Website. which means he's captured email addresses, but this one just as good if you're doing text messaging because Lazy Jovan. The average tax. Posted Email Gets opened with within nine seconds of being sick. Right man. I don't know about you, but. As called letting affecting my email marketing campaigns, nobody opens. I would say bear Chiel within ninety cents. You know what I mean so. He's GonNa. Put a big giant neon signs. It is sore. STADI- wonder musical agency with wonder could Miss Right, and it's se free drawing. When a whole super hold Deluxe Entertainment System Exclamation point and he's going to have a capture page address when you're not to catch base is just a one sided pays only option on your is. Join this person's list or you leave. So, it's not gonNA Balogh. You know you don't have to stuff on the side. No navigation, just either joy the list. In his taste, free join or So, say over a six-month period. He's got. Twenty five hundred lows will join the list maybe more but his view. He comes into the store one day. And I say hey, man. I was in Saudi the drawing. What's how'd you? You know matter of fact. I I entered. The fee joins what you begin. Email a phone message from your homework. In. He says listen, I know no have a website. Right and I go no. A local business when I need a website for this is the mentality I'm sure you've heard. This is what the last. Say! Why do I in your website worldwide wet local business? They don't realize probably people I. Say Forty five doubt. They live on Google which they want pizza. They want to know about anything they google. Email is local local digits. They go, so he's being sounds, so keep smart. SMART. I know not rocket email, or you know have a website, but remember I ask you why, if I could for you? This is how. We have nice listen. I got twenty five people on his twenty five hundred locals on this one particular email. This is why like to do as bones to. I'm going to invite them. You know I had rejoined. Already chose Grand Prize winner for this month. Oh, wow! I assumed. It wasn't me right out lead. But he is what's. The other two, thousand, four, hundred, ninety nine. They're going to get an extreme time sensitive. Gift, certificate coupon. If they come into my store alone. They save ten percents small. All Up to five hundred dollars an. Adult hold the numbers to me. Get the concept, 'cause. You're nice. Go Right. And he says but. -ISSIPPI for dragging the framework new. At least eighteen. They can save up to forty percents often I purchase. Up to two thousand dollars. Now up the two options. Which one do you think people are super serious about savings of money will do well. Obviously, YOU'RE GONNA. Bring a friend with A.



00:20:01 - 00:25:06


Now. Foul transept here. Without Matt, spending an additional nickel on outrageously expensive billboards. Sunday newspaper Inserts paperclips. He's got a percentage of his Schreiber base to commit to dragging a friend. That he paid nothing. And he's been have what's called an OT. Oh set mar a one time. Only offer for the Yes. You my sore. You do this. Join my lesson that and you're gonNA. GET THIS! surprised bunks. Now you say okay, all right mark that Kinda Consi what you do of him. But how does that affect me? I'm the bakery graduates. He's GonNa tell them every personnel drags a frame. His body over at marks. Bentley has a special offer for them all they gotta do show coupon on their phone. And they can say twenty five percent off your first purchase and get this as I'm still all school beaded debate. Going to now have a laminated a card machine. I'm going to take their name. Any relevant dates birthday. And ladies by the way just a month in the year, I mean I'm sorry just the day. You'll war and gentleman is going to have father's Day. Valentine's Day mother's Day thanksgiving New Year's secretary's Day any of these that are valid. Laminate it and when you card in with you and this is an annually renewable art with no words a year from the date that you get this originally made, you can come in for two dollars, and you can have it renewed, you know. From now on the point being on all of those dates you come in, you get one three extra big Gulp, the largest one we sell freight. Coming. Out was take a whole bunch and hole punch slide. No for that year. That has been used, but you're grandfathered in. You say x percent of any purchases over fifteen dollars. And If your birthday cake. we do a retirement. If we do a graduation, you're gonNA. Save all those because the bottom line is I. Want you coming back? Right I'm not trying to sell you a one time discount. And figure this now. Because, Matt knows like seven other local entrepreneurs because he's in the Chamber of Commerce. You think he's not gonNA. Go tell his buddies about Prince Brag Lubis. Oh, Gina Best, part I- Grandfather Matt. All his. STAP in. They say twenty five percent off every order as long as they have that car. So Matt says Mark I need fifteen cards whatever his current full time. Basis and mass birthday. I call him and I say Hey. Man When he won on UK is one a house. And I overcame. Now think about this. What do you think his new and current employees think when they find out? There was gets a birthday cake every year on the House for Marks. WanNa part of it. And part of. Now here's point. If I can do this with. The other local businesses. Everyone. I can sit down and go. She ate with now. Let's take this a step further because I really want you to see us. Met now is the idea since he did this would mean he started. Doing this would allow leads other low entrepreneurs right, and he's GonNa. Tell them as part of the deal says listen. When you partner with me, I also have an arrangement with this local Baker. And here's my now that I'm hanging around Matt picking this marketing. Stuff up, so here's what I do. One day. A local lay your guy comes into I know is local magician and I. Say hey, listen. When you do your shows now here's what I want you to. Our new things. Offer, every pairing Inari opportunity interf-, free drawing for a chance to win a free show you on a house. But all the other parents were runners up to let. You let them to put all. It needs a hat. Hats wanted to pairs so turn their head and there and grab with wherever that name route. Prize winner united wish over them because remember they. They're going to be. Do Taping this. Putting it on twitter. Putting on facebook. Putting on is blowing you up. Here's what I also want you to. As a second rent third third processes, you're going to get the second. The all runners up a discount at a time. Sensitive this coupon. Book boat to your talent needed magician and and book date and say still saves money, but here's the other thing I want you to do me.



00:25:06 - 00:30:03


MR, Misra Mrs Magician or boat. You give them a time. Since you come into or let me know how many things going to show asks wise and I'll. EXTREME TIME! Gift certificates and Matt Get this. You got love this whole on here. You tell me what you think. The response to this will be. This is what's written on the. Outside of sealed envelope, and in big giant red from parentheses this with a sense. You definitely deserve this exclamation point. Now how long do you think is GonNa. Take the ladies in the house route that able to walk. Let's second. Not Down Seconds right actor. Is going tell them. That because they are value customer of this magician or whoever? They have qualified for an extremely time since discount price off their first purchase, and if they come in and order over such a such a price, fifteen twenty dollars, how grandfather them in for certain things like donuts, pastries cost. They get a lifetime. His annual renewable car bringing in saint thing dates on it now. USA point with this because the gumption to show you how to bullet just completely. Blow it out part this. Is What I want to. I want to start selling. Doomed discount price on his bass selling. Coffee Mate. Here's what. I have an arranged. With a gourmet coffee. What I tell Matty's. You tell your you know. Make your customers know when they purchase your higher end of. COFFEEMAKER! They. Get a discount. Coupons purchased a five pound. Bag Gore met Hoffy. They can eat. Say Twenty five percent. Get this off the five pound bag. For dragging a friend. DOMI- gourmet coffee? Buddies shot three blocks over. They could buy your first twenty pound bag it costs. Not Their Gourmet coffee drinker lovers. You think they'd rather say twenty five percent off five out bag over by a twenty pound bag, the first one at cost. Probably across. Now. Let's think about this. The Goldman Gordon Coffee Drinks. They just got twenty pound bag costs whatever that is. Do you think they're gonNA take some of this to work. If, they own their own business when they Cherbourg Orleans sure. Is this format coffeemaker going to start making more money? You Bet and so by doing that for them I. Saying here's the deal. When they come in their twenty pound bag. That's when you hand them on an extremely time-sensitive. They dated him ten days. Bring the same within ten days. Ten business days ten days from where the A walk into that store, and they can come into my shop and do the same thing. You were just doing this. I guarantee you. Your Business just rotated by twenty five percent a year start. Rebound in fact must step further. Mack is to Bugah knows. Matt those department. Wealthy drinkers says hey, this is what I want you to do. On my slowest days during the winter, Tuesday and Thursday unit come my store Mr Gourmet coffee. Supplier and set up a little Mitch Table and I'm. GonNa blast out to my. Comment to the store. And sample of free big goal. extra-large cop warm at coffee. On meat. While supplies last. So No, the fateful are going to blast into his store. They're going to get this plastic cop. Now get this. Guess. WHO's supplying the plastic cups? Yours truly. Because Matt's WanNa tell them listen. You'll have web at the table. Told listen. When you take this plastic big. Go back to that tomorrow, Badri! Every time you of whoever has caught brings an instant pay for seventy nine for that big. You pay ninety nine cents. Wow now where are they rather go out for their the great tasting gourmet coffee met. My competitor was charging five twenty nine. Right, or ninety nine cents, he basically say wait a minute mark.



00:30:03 - 00:35:00


First of all unite coffee didn't cost because I'm getting from the government guy now at cost, or he's giving it to be free, but. Sounded to me, he or she is. Cost. If somebody could get a Gourmet Cup of coffee. That normally costs between four, seventy, nine, five, seventy, nine are a cop. If they? You pay between ninety nine cents or dollar twenty nine. Do you think they're gonNA? Buy Thi Mother, few more other items. Should show or by several cups of coffee. For everybody they work with. Say in. Were they bring to cop in words? Hey Up with that. In a compensate, thank you. Root words on, thank you, exclamation grip and say what was that all about? A gym mats appliance saying he every Tuesday Thursday every Wednesday fright weather days. He serves gourmet coffee on housewife supplies last, and if you bring a friend, he gives you the school ride where you can go either get. Twenty five percents off a five pound bag or By your first twenty. POW Bank at cost over s cock coffee shop on thirty Fourth Street. Oh my goodness. Now. They're putting it on. facebook. They're putting it on instagram. Some people might even be tweeting. The bottom line is none of us. Now are spinning nearly as much money as more on wasteful. LOCAL BILLBOARD AD of starts to twenty five thousand dollars a month, and was you know nothing was happening? Let's be honest. The blasted by six thousand an hour. They barely Messina sign so. All that additional money now goes back into the entrepreneurs pocket. Which means they sleep? A little better at night is less arguments around the lake dinner table. Everybody's happy. Alesi Jumble. We haven't even scratched the surface. Is it. Okay now I'd slip it and take it to a whole `nother level. You think you're already my well. Hold on just one second. Be before you go there. I want I usually save first of all I. WanNa put up your website and let people know that it will be click -able within the within the description so so you don't have to worry about. Remember it, but it's all one word. You can market online now. DOT, com is. And all lengthy the. Personal links to link in and wherever else he is will also be in a description, so you don't have to worry about it, but I just want to let you be aware of that. What I usually save this for my wrap up, but I want to remind people now you just covered a lot of ground in that battle, and what I tell people is because this is downloadable download it listen Morgan wants take notes because he just introduce you to a lot of. Of Concept. You're probably not aware of and things like one time offer his OT OS and time sensitive author creating scarcity. All that kind of stuff is probably new to you, so I would write this stuff down. Take notes listen several times over, and and really because he said a lot there and there's a lot of information. He just packed into that one answer. really go by. Take it slow and write it down and take your time with it now continue. US. Cutlass FAB point student I'm glad you brought that up. Lazy jumping I know you've watched the moon. And then you watch it again. Wow, we're got dialogue. Come from. I've ever caught that before the point he's making. Make sure you take the stuff in two or three times. To you after the third fourth fifth time your mind is GonNa Explode Open Wow. This test this, that's the only thing. You inexpensively test. We don't just jump into the pool without knowing. There's enough water to support us. All this stuff I'm talking about. You start small. And tested. Let let your market give you feedback or lack there up before you dive headlong in, but now Matt mistake to another level because I want to share this, which lays because I think a lot of people. Just staring right at opportunity, but for some has to say can't see the forest for the trees. So! We're GONNA. We're gonNA demystify something here. Let let me flip this and show you how powerful this could be a couple of months. Let's suppose met. Is a retail jewel. Okay. He's at a single location right now, but he's a very suited marketing, which is very shortly. He's probably opening another location, but even if he does. follows. Less suppose I work in. A female hair salon because I like checking out. So a hairstylist and I work in a female hair salon I shop, but I'm real tight with the owner to say her her name's length so real titans got.



00:35:00 - 00:40:01


This is in a nice upscale area, so her clientele have money. They always WanNa look good. And met had been wasting twenty five thousand a month. On his local billboard, and now he's really getting into the marketing and promoting and all that he's saying us up and is the waste of money. I go like this and he's already been doing this for two years, so do the Matt twenty-five. Thousand Month time twenty four months ago. That gone. So here's what he's GonNa do now. Because he tight gall. And so you know he's like Hey, man. I, want you? Let really this is asked. Linda gives me to pictures. This is when you want to work. Tomorrow showed these two pictures there. Twenty five hundred dollar diamond necklace necklaces ask will enter. Given the choice if you could have either one it cost, which is basically we have twelve hundred dollars and give her terms two hundred dollars now and one hundred dollars a month, and she pays off at balance thousand. No interest, ask her which one of these two necklaces she'd light. So I go into work, an often that show lender the necklaces, and she picks necklace bead, for whatever reason Oh. That's awesome I'll tell him I wants to give you that necklace at four hundred dollars two hundred dollars down in one hundred dollars a month until I pay. It off considered a gundy. So. Linda goes to his shop. Matt Gibbs hurt his twenty five hundred dollars necklaces, and she gives him the two hundred dollars down. And messes Lindy become back tomorrow with a friend. See six, hundred fifty dollars earrings. My heart causes three hundred dollars I'll give you those earrings for three hundred dollars. If you come back tomorrow, France won't Linda's back the next day with a friend who, in these eighteen, and now met sell startles earrings at cost six hundred fifty dollars, and you know how they look now he's. Linda myself in his of is a total of six out Linda, so there's five of the stylists in the shop. When Linda's ten customers a day. Sit Down in her chair. At some point, you know, the conversation is gonNA turn to girl. Where did you get that awesome necklace? And worst case. Take? These special may business cards, not the kind of stuff you're thinking about. This is a direct response business. What do you think mark? The frontside mets card basically tells the recipient. To enter his free monthly drawing for a chance to win. A. Twenty five hundred dollar diamond studded necklace. Side be, he tells them is date written on Linda writes today. And it says. Come to his store within the next ten days get not ten business days ten days from the date. She writes it. Come into store. Come alone save ten percent in other words a small amount. Up to five hundred dollars. Simply for dragging a friends at least eighteen. You can save forty percent. Off Up to two thousand dollars again, same concept for a certain percentage of those leaves to find a best, he a girlfriend sister on mom, a neighbor somebody to direct in a store would so they can use discount all USA point. What do you think the rest of us? thymus WANNA, know. Hottest. Right! How do we get? Mac tells her, or he tells me up his buddy. Let them know. As long as they come to my store by the end of the week, saying this is when it comes to my store by the end of the week and drag a friend I can't hook them up and stood as I. DO legacy owner. But I'll let him a fifteen hundred dollar necklace which two toss me six hundred dollars. I'll get it at my heart, cross or six hundred dollars for. In they drag afraid. I'll throw in a pair four hundred fifty dollars errands, which only cost me two hundred dollars I'll give them. The, earrings at my costs. As well. Now, why is he doing this? All of us now. Obviously I'm not I get a necklace. I mean a chain, but. But the point is he's GonNa Hook us all because when our clientele sits in the chair. A certain percentage of them GonNa WanNa know what the deal is. What our Blake. He's going to have enough cars. He gives us all say two hundred cars each to start off with, and we do the same thing we've flipping over. We write ten days out and we tell them me drag a friend which you and you could save forty, whatever says you know forty percent of up to two thousand dollars, but if you come alone, you'll say ten percent and these savings are only ballot for this date.



00:40:02 - 00:45:00


After that all bets are off. You want to store after that you pay as retail cost, so you know either drag a friend or get it nearby yourself now his point. Let's say forty to fifty percent of our daily clientele. Yet East cars they want to know about the blame. Where is Matt's costs now? Which? Thousand dollars a month anymore that wasteful a billboard at. Six, hundred thousand over two years by the way in McDowell. Now, his wife to say honey, we can get the car now. It's like oh no. But the point is. Those people all know twenty five people this theory back. Every person knows at least twenty five people in thirty percent at twenty, five or your customers. Your will be so. They're going back out into their so-called influence and remember Linda shop is already in an upscale area to begin with. So when these ladies of influence go back to their personal and professional circles of fullest, some nurses, some of them are dental assistant, some of our dentists. Are. administrators. Some of them are outside Rep. some of them are attorneys. You can best believe. Match businesses about to blow. There's no two ways about it and I said that to say this. That commercial strip mall and I said we were in that. He's in it one of the the sweets and three suites now. You know laid back at the the commercial broker who manages that strip. You to get your hair done. Here, but she you ought to her. Would a twenty five hundred dollar diamond necklace and no six hundred fifty dollar earrings either yelled tour. Or sellers sell them to be a cost sink by she's out. Showing properties are properties that might start at six hundred fifty thousand dollars in. Right so about the circle and she's running with. Right. If you could convince her Let's say her name is Barbara Barbara. If you start, rocket knows facebook lives once a week. Telling Nul Hall buyers the things they should be looking out for the x number questions to ask an attorney or a title company, or what you should ask the the seller of the property before you signed a contract each week. She comes on like a five fifteen minute facebook, live and shares these tidbits, and sometimes she has an interview aloke maternity low Roofer, all of this and each time she doesn't. Guess who's blinked you rocking on our facebook? I guarantee you. She's been against some DM's rent. Girl, that is so awesome looking necklace. Where'd you get? Barbara Attorney Barbara into an affiliate and and say ladies I'm so glad you asked gentlemen. If you need special gift, relating to get out of the Doghouse I got it for you. See Link below. That's my completely. I got a special arrangement with my buddy jeweler. You go to that right. You could an affiliate number which rowdies my ID number, so matt knows where this businesses coming from, so he'll continue to hook me up. You could that number into the box? You can special savings and I got a special arrangement with Mac. Four. He does close out sale to the general public. Is Number. Send you an email. Three or four days ahead. So you get a jump on the general. And that's yoga thing I forgot. I got so excited. I got ahead of myself. That's the thing remember I told you are going to have this free join, and this is going to be on it for frontside car, right? You'RE GONNA. Come that that close at stuff or discontinued stuff. In fact. He is what I forgot to mention maize gentleman that list at Matt's. That's not a generalist. He's already got that. That's the gist. General list of people coming store this drawing these business part that's specifically for Linda's Hey, you're summer. So every mark, one of her customers guaranteed to win. And the other ninety nine get an extremely time-sensitive. Certificate from lender. PLUS FROM MATT! Now must take this a further mack remember. She's getting new customers now. 'cause award now first of all. They do fabulous hair. You know that. These women up, but he on that years. What now? We didn't let me throughout this concept. I've got to mention the summer you got to be okay. Wait a minute.



00:45:00 - 00:50:00


Where is this money coming from Matt's ideal customers, what we call total lifetime customer value it somewhere between a low if you can call that a four hundred dollars and a high of eleven thousand now this is over a five December period match already checked out knows noses numbers. He knows his ideal customer is GonNa be somewhere between four hundred dollars or five or seventy appeared or amend thousand with the repeat purchases, testimonials and referrals. Now since he's got this, and that's not to say. Ladies Jomon that somebody will come in with Matt does a close out sale on a three hundred dollar pair of earrings, two hundred dollars, braces, and you sells bracelets cost seventy dollars. That's not to say. Some a bunch of people will come in by the necklace seen again. That's fine. They're rocking Matt's blaming. So they got a story to tell and talent. So masks looking at the back in those people come into the store. Density is redrawing drawing and Blah Blah Blah. That's not where I was going whereas or Meka's. This is really just omit. Is What Matt does. To blow up Mendes based. On every stylish his birthday. Matt! Coles up bakery. Gets a special price on the kate. He has a cakes in over. A dozen roses. And the first time, a seven foot, chatty bear. About this those ladies sitting there, and it got to bear on the side, and the customers come in Eagle Girl. Did your husband get you beautifully all? No, you know Jewelry Store to store to. Switch down yet, bats, Georgia. Yeah, you brought that for. What. s what he does every year on a number of you now the second thirty amount will get secretary. Thought three pretender. They take the teddy bear home, and now whenever guests come. What do you think they WanNa? Know Specimens right where? Did the husband get this. Did the boyfriend get it done? Get it no where I get my June now, Matt, you must know if you sitting in a room full of women and he got their spouse or significant other. Who are those ladies going to ban? Their husbands significant others shop to get the right, okay. owner. They gotta do it now. He's younger thing about this. For Linda. He hoped her up. With the dozen roses. The Teddy Bears, but here's what Matt does lend to every year. He says Linda. Out The top female closed during the area that you WanNa Shop And gives her one hundred dollars to. Go. Is Time sensitive point is she can look for everything. She's going birthday. You know what we're. GonNa do something Nice for we take out on what she knows. Longest net has a pulse. A hundred dollars discount coupons from a sore her choice. Which means a Thanksgiving Christmas new years. She gives a House party. She's got story storyteller. Now. She's already got the bling, so you know she's telling that story constant all. Right she can also say you see this dress. I got it costs two hundred fifty dollars, and I only paid one hundred fifteen times, says no, no, no. I took the Oklahoma in a coupon I got met gift certificate. You know, he says one hundred dollar gift certificate. Tell him what store I want. He buys a sensitive. Now. Matt was wasted twenty five thousand dollars a month. On billboard local billboard ads. Sees producing way more has word of mouth. Everybody's on facebook twitter instagram post itself each showing up there playing. And everybody else wants to know how to get in on his private art right right. Now. Let's take this a step further man from the board, our water for yards, and again a year and a half listeners, two or three times like you said the really get the gist of it. Here's what Matt does. Really blow it up. He comes into shop. And he tells insists, and let's say do through some strange osmosis. There's nobody has customers right now. So you know the sock with us, or he waits to jot closer, but he says listen. When you put the day of referred by the back of your car, so I know who each individual person is. Every week. The person that has the most. Hey referral customers that sentiment. Out Pay the cost of your booth rental for the week. Wow now, right? Now. That, think about that. And His Race Joni.



00:50:01 - 00:55:10


Whether or not? Those stylus are China of Mope. It'll stay the same shot. So when they leave. They, still have their Blaine. And you have a story to tell. Very possible owner of that store along with those new styles. In on same. that. Now. Let's take a step further. What you want you see his. Matt says to sweeten the POT. Is GonNa do. Every time you lead the pack in other words, you stylish everytime you lied to pack that we and I pay your your chair with. Two Week I paid two hundred dollars to lend up. Going forward. Every time you repeat as the number one person in this As. Let's say office in this shop. That is number one. I'm going to double. Down I'm GonNa pay you two hundred dollars for the rental in two hundred dollars, cash or two hundred dollars with gifts, grocery certificates okay. Now, I tell Linda. Linda or masses lender. Every month you send me a work it out. So that's not a unreasonable, but yet it's not a little house. Every time you send me twenty paying customers in. I'll pay. Your commercial lease. Wow think by now again. Hurley's could be only where somewhere between say eight hundred fifty twenty cornell month he used to blow twenty five thousand dollars to look on his way spoke. Billboard or the Sunday newspapers? East paying attention to that now. Look how much and this is like I remember just pay her lease. He pays it when she or or whoever you know produces. Right now, here's my question to you entrepreneur. If Matt can do. This would lend US Hasler. Is there any reason why can't do with Joe Ellis Nail Salon? Absolutely not absolutely not met is and UCLA thing we'll do some quick math calculate because I have one calculator doesn't work. Here's what mad. He takes his twenty five thousand dollars. He's not wasting any more on his billboard. And he devised by two hundred S to call his four hundred and fifty dollars, Erie. He tells everybody in the shop. If you guys know any nurse? Term you onto him. I'll give you A. Really Nice looking brace normally retails two hundred dollars I. Give it to sixty bucks. Zone lanes through their rolodexes of France and influences, and they start sending met nurses. And what Matt Does the nurses and sells them these four hundred fifty dollars earrings at his house for two hundred dollars and. Why? When those? Not Hostile first of all. They know other nurse. They know administrates. Farber Fort. What do you think the lady in many doctors go to to know? When they see those ladies with this. Way Got it and masks GonNa have a special page on his blow for doctors and professionals own. So that he can send them notices of wind come in and look at some bling. He's about to work. On Discount Plaza. and. He's he's going to let the doctor get that. Five thousand or seventy five hundred dollar rolex and his boss. Why because the doctor does up the doctors lawyers? He knows CPA's. He knows bankers. And that's why Matt Sarrasin thinking of opening a second location. But he understood beauty of all of this. When they at mass start, you know what's going to happen, not always going to start doing way more retail business. He's GonNa Start. Being invited to come speak locally and virtually. And share some of his marketing. And you know what Matt's going to do with the very end. He'll say `let's JEMMA. A lot of the stuff that I'm share with you. I learned from a guy named Mark Martin. So all. Right. Right now. Show, so I I you again? You touched on a lot a lot of things and think first of all what we're talking here about is lead acquisition to start with right and I think a big problem is most people don't even realize they really take a full accounting of how much every lead costs. Commit themselves. They're spending all this money on billboards. Whatever the advertising is then that breaking that down to how much am I paying per lead acquisition and with what you're talking about? It becomes a little simpler to to quantify that number.



00:55:10 - 01:00:01


What you're actually what? Leads actually costing you and if it doesn't simplify, it compels you to get control of that and understand what you're paying for your lead acquisition that one and the other part of it I. WanNa ask you about is. You're very creative with with with these specific that you coming up with a lot of people are not necessarily as creative minded as you are, and say okay. I I don't know I. Don't I'm not a jeweler? I am a mechanic how I make that work for me. Is that where you come in is? GonNa believe brother. Let's jump if you have any questions. Put you see what my my web address has dot com slash contact. Pardon me, send me a message. Jump on the phone. If you're in, the states would do a fifteen minute power session and find out if what I'm trying to share with works, disease you. These strategies are purcell. McNamee throw in one last bit because I. Want you to see this. I want you to ten right now and it. Matt is retail appliance dealer again and I'm a corner store. He comes in and gets coffee in bagels and doughnuts. We always saw. Matt Spins Twelve Dollars Listen. He leaves the store. In that same day he goes and purchases. A five thousand dollar. Holding attain deluxe. Center from Pleistocene and just what he's talking about. That applies dealer. Met Founding plans. You divide some stroke of luck in the Sunday newspapers and a lot of money. Now. Here's my question. Which transaction was worth more twelve dollars? He spent with me. which was you know that that has all property obviously? I got cost in or. The five thousand dollar Stereo Retail Stereo system that he'd bought. That didn't cost the appliance dealer. Five thousand dollars obviously is the applies dealer, so here's my question. Do. You think the applies deal would have a problem paying me the. Store owner seventy dollars Lee. If I had given a coupon to go in here and spend money, right, that's a great. Point is don't just see your business as you business as a potential distribution or bridge to something else that when you said what you said just before made me realize I had mentioned it, so my point is, if you seventy five dollars, a lead or dollars. If I, do ten. Have Ten customers and I just put a thousand dollars that I don't have to pay on my lease, right or thousand dollars. I can use now to go buy gourmet. Coffee Coffee Club and do the same thing with the cops by these cops that. Plastic Cup costs ninety nine cents or dollar in an I sell the retail coffee, the first time gourmet, coffee, and so large, extra large, big old. The first time I sell sell at retail for seventy, nine, five, twenty nine. Whatever it is, that pays for the cup, and then I tell them. Hey, from now you come back, bring a cup, or if you want, you know whoever might work to do, use it neighboring that copying. They pay ninety nine cents dutiful beautiful. Kind of thing, we're talking about race Joe, and basically as comes down to a lot of networking I know most small businesses concentrate on their own business, and the get blinders on, and they don't see these opportunities of other people, and so what we're talking about keeping your mind open for opportunities with networking with other businesses just makes a lot a lot of sense again. I want to mention the website is. You can mark it online now dot com, you get in touch with mark that marcus been like again. You're going to need to take notes on this stuff. On so many things here, so many really strong concepts in getting that you might not be aware of so I. Want you to make sure you do that. Download this, but make sure you visit his website and and contact them. If you have any questions on this kind of stuff and get him on board as a consultant because he can help you walk through some of those specific, because obviously as I. I mentioned that everybody's GonNa be so creative can think in terms of how does this apply to my business? Because we have some really good specific ideas on special specific businesses, but you WANNA know how it applies to you. Business contact mark, and he'll walk you through that I'm I'm glad to have you on the show. The closing thought because we're. We're got thirty seconds schedule. Check real quick. John I hope. You got some value on. This has been my pleasure to bring it to you. If you're retail jeweler or retail plans dealer, reach out to me. Be of blogs contact as we need to talk and number two lazy. If you have a rock and podcast like bats, that's business or entrepreneurial bays, and you're looking for guests. I love to be yes excellent, excellent mark, thank you so much for your insights M, and I'm sure they got a lot out of it and I. Thank you for your time and insight tonight and I will.



01:00:01 - 01:05:00


Will definitely be recommending you to all my podcasting France Avenue on I, I think you provided some great information, some great insight and a great jump off point for people who are stuck right now because you mentioned all this stuff you mentioned is for small businesses, and I think small businesses are really hurting and looking for some solutions right now so I'm glad you come along with some answers at the right time for the right right purpose of thank you so much, be tonight. Pleasure, brother, thank you, thank you happy night working in. This episode is brought to you by. Put me in the story. Put me in the story creates personalized books for kids by taking bestselling children's picture books, and well up characters, and allowing you to create personalized books that make your child the star of the story alongside their favorite characters. Save twenty five percent store wide. When you click the link on my dog TV Dot Com and use the code save twenty five. We're also sponsored by the lovely lovely, Asia Line Stop for modern irresistible and affordable women's clothing. Never before has dressing yourself been so easy. loveliest carefully curated selection of apparel accessories outerwear, always on Chan and always available at the best prices. Lovely is dedicated to delivering high quality clothing to women that will make them look and feel their best. They believe every woman has the right to dress well and shouldn't have to spend a lot to love how she looks. They make it easy to wear outfits. You love every day giving you the confidence to take on the world. Lovely DOT COM, some fashion trends are now forty percents off dotting at just five ninety nine. Get an extra eighteen percent off when you click the link on my dog TV DOT COM and use the Code J. T.. Eighteen We're also sponsored by Vapor DNA founded in twenty thirteen vapor DNA. Is the Premier Online vape store offering an industry leading selection of electronic cigarettes, illiquid and accessories. They're friendly and knowledgeable. Customer Service team is always ready to provide the best customer service experience to ensure you find what you're looking for. They guarantee their products to be one hundred percent genuine, and at the lowest possible price. They're so confident in their selection and service. They offer their customers eight forty five day refund call. Save twenty percent when you click the link on mine dog TV DOT COM and use the Code Orion Q.. Museum everybody how I'm sure you got something out of that once again you visitors website, it will be in the description nicer. Click for you to access nice and easily It's you can market online now. Dot Com i. sure you got something out of that. Please tell your friends about this program. subscribe. Go to my youtube channel. Subscribe there get go mind TV DOT COM. Get on my mailing list, or you know when these really cool guess coming on in advance, so he can make sure you're. You're set for it, and by all means, please. patronize US sponsors. It's important. Keeps this program running saying I. Thank you for that. Until to morrow afternoon I have a one PM show. Show and my guest tomorrow afternoon. who do we have tomorrow afternoon now running through this tomorrow afternoon I have Jamie be all this is this is a good one folks. Jamie is a casting director for a lot of major networks and movies and stuff, but we're going to be talking about true crime and I asked her specifically because she. She does a podcast on true crime. We're GONNA. Be talking about the Gilgal murders, which is a subject fascinates me a case here on Long Island serial murder case where one of the prime suspects is a former chief of police so at one PM Eastern tomorrow. Join me for that podcast until then. I Matt Napa for the Mind Doug TV podcast. In. The summer time in Freeport. Now. There's a close. The. Music. For the seafood in the Did you find down. The. Pitch. We. Raise a glass. ME.



01:05:03 - 01:07:35


We give. Off. They're all friends. See You. You sound and at times. Of. A! Man cleft. On. What the mile with a! Last. Weekend. I would drink with me. And we get Ponzi. When the phone? Being. The. Wait you. Come. The miles me. Off Two. Weekends! Laughed, With me. This. Weekend Phone is off. Rocking. To the man with S. Shannon APPs all. Weekend. Weekend. Down on. You raised. With me. Kids. Those two. down. Avenue We bought the. Book.