MinddogTV Your Mind's Best Friend

Emily Davis Interview, Magick With A K

Episode Summary

Emily Davis is a Bestselling Author . Spiritual Coach . Podcast Host . Artist. Mega Nerd. Minddog explores her beliefs and practices with a skeptical but open mind in this light and amusing conversation. "Emily knew she was magick by the time she was eight years old but couldn't avoid the isolation she felt when acknowledging her gifts. In high school she began reading oracle cards for her peers and others but all of that came to a halt when she entered the abusive relationship from hell. ​ Two kids and four years later Emily dumped the loser but found herself feeling like her gifts had left her. Determined to not have that be the case she set out on a mission to rediscover her magick. She never could have known how damn far this journey was going to bring her."

Episode Notes
