MinddogTV Your Mind's Best Friend

Alchemize Your Chronic Illness- Lorna Stell - Intuitive Healing

Episode Summary

fter struggling with chronic illness symptoms for nearly 20 years, she completely changed how she relates to her body and health 2 years ago. She has since been able to heal from severe chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic ulcers, chronic sinus infections, anxiety, depression, self-loathing, and constant self-judgement. She now teaches her clients how to heal themselves by reconnecting to their intuition and body wisdom. 🖤 We'll talk about: 🔮 Self-loathing 🔮 The inner critic 🔮 Perfectionism and comparison to others 🔮 Workaholism 🔮 Emotional + Neurological sensitivity 🔮 Being an empath + HSP 🔮 The healing power of intuition 🔮 Why the system in western medicine can disempower chronic illness sufferers 🔮 Chronic symptoms like depression, anxiety, inflammation, pain, infections, and more

Episode Notes

website: http://www.lornastellintuitive.com

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